Arizona landscape of rounded hills with lake water in the foreground; used with permission

Our Revolutionary War Patriot Ancestors

If you share an ancestor with one of our Daughters and would like to know more, please contact our chapter. We are always happy to help those searching for their Revolutionary War ancestor.


Alford, Nathaniel, Pvt.

Bartholomew, Joseph, PS

Penhollow, Richard, Sgt.

Scovell, Benjamin, Pvt.



Baldwin, John, Pvt



Ainsworth, William, Ens.

Ames, Sylvanus, Chp.

Byam, Benjamin, PS, Sgt. 

Janes, Ebenezer, PS, Lt.

Kendall, Eleazar, Cpl.

Redlon, Ebenezer, Pvt.

Whipple, Thomas, PS 


New Hampshire

Hoyt, Jedidiah, Pvt.

Runnells, Abraham, Pvt. 

New Jersey

Genung, Stephen, Pvt.

Stewart, Ezekiel, Pvt.


New York

Schuyler, John, PS


North Carolina

Andrews, James, PS

Bradley, George Walton, PS  

Cantrell, Abraham, PS 

Cantrell, John, PS

Clark, Jonathan, Lt. 

Doak, James, PS 

Hedrick, Adam, PS

Holliday, Henry, PS

Lugar, Adam, Pvt.

Nixon, Absalom, Pvt.



Cunningham, Hugh, Pvt., PS

Donaldson, Moses, CS

Endsley, James, Pvt.

Gangwer, Philip, Pvt.

Hays, Christopher, Col.

Hice, George, Pvt.

Kendall, James, PS

Lee, Noah, PS 

McDowell, James, LTC

Nagle, Philip, NCO

Shields, Robert, PS

Torrence, James Pvt.


Rhode Island

Gladding, John, PS  

Ingraham, Joshua, PS 

South Carolina

Chandler, Abednego, Sol., PS

Craig, James, Sol., PS

Craig, Rhoda, PS

Gavan, Charles, PS

Porter, David, Sol., PS

Smith, Charles, PS



Roberts, David, Sgt.



Barker, James, Pvt. 

Boone, William, PS 

Boyd, John, Pvt.

Burton, Thomas, Pvt.

Burton, William, PS

Byrd, Amos, PS

Clark, Henry, Sgt., CS

Collins, Richard, Pvt.

Cook, Harmon, CS

Crenshaw, Daniel, Pvt.

Dixon, Joseph, PS

Groff, Christian, Pvt.

Hatcher, James, PS

Kirby, David, PS

Lawson, William Sr., Sgt.

Leftwich, Augustine, PS

Lynn, Michael, PS

Nichols, Isaac, PS

Owen, Jesse, Capt.

Page, Robert, PS

Penn, George, Capt.

Prickett, Jacob Sr, PS

Proctor, Little Page, Pvt., PS

Raysor, Paul, Pvt.

Rowlett, John, PS

South, John, Lt.

Stearns, Frederick, Sct.

Stearns, Jacob, Sol.

Strode, John, PS

Terrill, Edmund, Capt.

Tinsley, Edward, PS

Vernon, Richard PS 


CS = Civil Service

Capt. = Captain

Chp. = Chaplain

Col. = Colonel

Cpl. = Corporal

Ens. = Ensign

Lt. = Lieutenant

LCol. = Lieutenant Colonel

Noncom = Non-Commissioned Officer

PS = Patriotic Service

Pvt. = Private

Sct. = Scout

Sgt. = Sergeant

Sol. = Soldier

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Photos courtesy of chapter members and Flickr.